
Get ready to move out of overwhelm to embodying vitality & joy.

- Heal your body and renew your mind by regulating your nervous system and emotions.

- Release the baggage of stress in your body & nervous system, heal the layers of survival patterns, so that you have more capacity & more ENERGY (without doing more)

- Learn how to reset your nervous system to get to the root of burnout and overwhelm to inner peace, ease & joy!

- Be the best parent you can be. Bring awareness to your triggers, patterns and learn tools to help you pause before you react so that you can show up more often how you want to.

Bingeable trainings, available to start anytime.

Reset Your Nervous System

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    Dr Kirstin Lauritzen DC MS

    Functional Medicine Practitioner, Master NLP Trained Mindset Coach, Entrepreneur & Mom

    Meet Dr K: Founder of Functional Motherhood

    Dr Kirstin Lauritzen is a Functional Medicine Physician and mindset coach for women and moms. She holds Bachelors Degrees in Psychology & Neuroscience, Human Biology, her doctorate in Chiropractic, Masters in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and is a Certified Master Practitioner in NLP.

    Her mission is to empower Mothers to create the motherhood they dream of having. Where we drop the "should's" and parent from a place of inner knowing & self trust.

    Dr K has helped herself heal and helped many women heal from autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, endometriosis, acne, migraines, stress hives, burnout and overwhelm, through taking a truly holistic approach that incorporates mental wellbeing, emotional health AND physical body health for long lasting and sustainable health. You can find Dr K on The Dr Kirstin Show her podcast where she shares weekly episodes on how to create the mindset, health and motherhood of your dreams.

    In this FREE 5 Day Reset You Will Learn:

    • Motherhood friendly ways to regulate your nervous system

    • My top tools and steps to retrain your thoughts & mind to support YOU (so that you can show up more calm for your kids)

    • Easy, implementable and PROVEN steps to lessen the negative mental spiraling, the on edge reactivity - and the best part is... all you have to do is sit back and listen.

    • SEXY Systems - I give you some of my most helpful and EASY systems that help me get time back as a "mom" & entrepreneur.